How would you rate the way you communicate with others? Be honest! Or how would those closest to you rate the way you communicate? They will be honest! Is your talk angry, impatience, ungrateful, filled with gossip or condemnation? Is it manipulative? Unkind and Unforgiving? Vengeful? Dishonest and Deceptive? Is it filled with fear or anxiousness? Does it avoid conflict? Or fiercely engages in conflict? Do you yell? Do you blame others or make excuses with your words? Do you believe your talk needs to change for the good as you evaluate your relationships? I know I need to daily submit my words to God and grow to talk in ways that give life to others and glorify God.

This Sunday we begin a new 8 week sermon series entitled Our Words Matter: Getting to the Heart of Our Communication Struggles. Our focus this week is that God Speaks. Remember Jesus Christ's grace is fully sufficient to help us in redeeming our communication for his "power is made perfect in our weakness."