Welcome to Neelsville!

Neelsville Presbyterian Church is a multi-cultural, multi-generational church that represents the diversity of Germantown and has been making a difference in this community for well over a century.  We know that God has placed us in this rapidly changing region for a reason.

We are gratefully aware that we stand in a long and vibrant tradition of faithful believers who have come before us. We are thankful that God has more in store for us, and we eagerly embrace the story that God continues to write at Neelsville - that story could include you!

I'm New Here

Glorifying God by being and making disciples of Jesus Christ.

We are a Bible-centered, gospel-believing congregation and you will clearly find this in our worship and preaching. 
Our ministries introduce people to Jesus and equip Christians to live as Jesus' disciples.  Wherever you are in your faith journey, we are here to share the journey with you.
We believe Jesus calls his disciples to go and be his witnesses, in our neighborhoods, wider region, and throughout the world, so our focus is outward to love God, love people and serve as Christ's ambassadors.
Our Denomination

Neelsville is a member of the ECO - A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. For more information about ECO, please visit www.eco-pres.org